Lavande – 2 bedroom mini-villa
This mini-villa is located at the southern end of the residence where wild lavender blossoms....
This mini-villa is located at the southern end of the residence where wild lavender blossoms....
Santoline, our unique one-floor villa for six people, is the closest unit to our infinity pool. It is independent and has a private parking space. Among the ornamental shrubs flourishing in front of the terrace, Santolina, an...
A blue jacaranda, who puts on a spectacular flowering display from May to July, will shade a corner of the large terrace facing south. The bay window entrance of this mini-villa is situated on the east side,...
The agapanthus is a perennial plant that mostly blooms in summer—inflorescence of blue umbels catching the sun in front of the terrace. The entire interior decoration features mural paintings of grey wood pigeons. These birds are reminiscent...
Acanthus, a sun-loving Mediterranean ornamental and perennial plant, gave its name to this mini-villa. Its wall fresco of doves and guardian angels provides calm and serenity to our guests....
A pomegranate, a fruit-bearing tree, decorates the entrance of the accommodation with its bright red flowers during peak season. It will offer the privilege of reaping the fruits to our September guests. A private parking space is...